The Himalayan Heritage School
Dear Parents,
We are very delighted that you have taken the time to visit the The Himalayan Heritage School website. Our hope is that you find our website to be user-friendly, and after your visit, you will have a good idea of all we have to offer.
The Himalayan Heritage School is a wonderful place for students from diverse backgrounds to grow educationally, get involved and have a meaningful school experience.
We strongly believe, that an educational institute is not just about bricks, mortar and concrete, but about building character, enriching minds and enriching experiences that last a lifetime.
The Himalayan Heritage School
- All the Pupils must attend school regularly and punctually.
- Attendance on the re-opening day after each vacation and last day of each term is compulsory. A sanction will be imposed if the rule is violated. A fine of Rs.500/- will be levied.
- Parents must submit a leave application for more than 2 days leave. This may be done via email or written in a proper sheet of paper, sealed in an envelope and addressed to the class teacher.
- A medical certificate must be produced if the pupil is absent for more than three days, failing which a fine of Rs.500/- will be levied.
- When the pupil returns to school after the absence of even a single day or half a day, parents must state the reason in the school diary.
- Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without permission. Half day leave is not to be encouraged.
- Test and Examinations will not be rescheduled even if the absence is due to illness.
- Long leave for weddings of family members, family functions etc during school days/session will not be granted.
- No leave will be granted to students on the days when there are school functions like Sports Day and Annual Day.
A minimum of 80% attendance for each term is compulsory. Consideration will be made if the medical reason is justified. A fine of Rs.500/- will be levied in case of a shortfall. Pupils with attendance below 50% will have to repeat the class.

The COVID-19 crisis has forced education systems worldwide to find alternatives to face-to-face instruction. As a result, online teaching and learning have been used by teachers and students on an unprecedented scale. THHS is conducting online classes as per the government guidelines.
The Himalayan Heritage School
Summer School Uniform
The uniforms bring a certain beauty to THHS students. Uniforms are practical since students do not need to fret about what to wear each new day. Besides, school uniform makes each student a part of THHS. They are unified under the school name.
Wearing a uniform makes students feel they all are the same. The difference cannot be seen in their status because of their clothes. Every student feels the same because they all wear the same clothes and there is no scope of someone wearing better clothes as compared to the other one. Wearing a school uniform impacts students’ minds and they feel responsible and maintain discipline.

THHS is a venture of the “Shri Vaibhav Laxmi Educational And Welfare Society”. Since it’s inception , the school has grown and established a reputation for incorporating innovative and modern methods of the teaching and learning process; not to mention academic excellence.
Phone / Whatsapp :
Chairman: +91 7018814081
M.D.: +91 8196817684
Office: +91 8642000425,
E-mail :
The Himalayan Heritage School:
VPO Shahtalai, Near Helipad
(37.11 km).
Teh. Jhandutta, Distt. Bilaspur,
Himachal Pradesh, India
Pincode: 174030
Contact: 7018814081
Himalayan Heritage KidsSchool:
VPO Chakmoh, Teh. Dhatwal Bijhari,
Distt Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh,
Pincode: 176039
Contact: 8196817684